A Webinar Collaboration of The National Council on Independent Living and The National Resources for Access, Independence, Self-determination and Employment (RAISE) Technical Assistance Center

Parent-led organizations and disability-led Centers for Independent Living have a shared objective of facilitating the transition of youth with disabilities to post-secondary education, employment, and independent living. Join this webinar to hear from a panel with lived experience about how families and CILs can collaborate to support the self-determination, empowerment, and independent living goals of youth preparing for and experiencing transition.


·      The role of parent-led organizations in educating families about how to support self-determination, empowerment, and independent living goals.

·      The role of Centers for Independent Living in communicating to families the independent living philosophy and how to support their transitioning youth’s self-determination and empowerment.

·      How disability-led CILs can work with parent-led organizations to facilitate the self-determination, empowerment, and independent living goals of youth preparing for and experiencing transition.

·      Strategies for assisting youth to maintain self-determination when their families work against their goals.

Date: Monday, September 25th, 2023

Time: 3pm-4:30pm ET


Wednesday Jones, Employment and Financial Literacy Specialist, Able SC Center for Independent Living

Dawn Monaco, Program Director for Youth Engagement, Project Director for REAL Transition Partners at the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, National Advisory Board Member for the Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice.

Mary-Kate Wells, Program Director at the National Council on Independent Living.

ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!

Herramientas y estrategias para defensores de la vida independiente que asesoran a familias de niños con discapacidad

Un seminario virtual en colaboración del Consejo Nacional para la Vida Independiente y el Centro de Asistencia Técnica de Recursos Nacionales para el Acceso, la Independencia, la Autodeterminación y el Empleo (RAISE)

Las organizaciones dirigidas por padres y los Centros para la Vida Independiente (CIL) dirigidos por personas con discapacidad tienen el objetivo compartido de facilitar la transición de los jóvenes con discapacidades a la educación postsecundaria, el empleo y la vida independiente. Únase a este seminario web para escuchar a un panel con experiencias sobre cómo las familias y los CIL pueden colaborar para apoyar la autodeterminación, el empoderamiento y los objetivos de vida independiente de los jóvenes que se preparan para la transición y la experimentan.

Fecha: lunes 25 de septiembre de 2023

Hora: 3pm-4:30pm ET

Presentado por:

Wednesday Jones, especialista en empleo y educación financiera, Able SC Centro para la Vida Independiente

Dawn Monaco, directora del Programa de Participación Juvenil, directora del proyecto REAL Transition Partners de SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, miembro de la junta asesora nacional del Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice.

Mary-Kate Wells, directora de programas del Consejo Nacional para la Vida Independiente.

Se ofrecerá interpretación al español y ASL (lenguaje de señas americano)