Providing technical assistance to support youth and young adults with disabilities and their Families during Transition
In 2014, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN), a parent-led and family-centered non-profit parent training and information center (PTI), was funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to provide support to Parent Training and Information Centers in helping individuals with disabilities transition into adulthood.
RAISE was funded by a national grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) to provide technical assistance and support to eight (8) RSA Parent Centers.
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The STANDARD: 10.5, May 2024
In this issue of RAISE The Standard, we will explore careers in the arts.
Archived Webinars
Introducing PATF’s Family Guide: Big ideas for Teaching Financial Education – June 26
Please join us for a webinar on June 26, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. where we will introduce PATF’s new Family Guide. Money is never easy to talk about but introducing money concepts to our children can be intimidating. At what age do you start? Allowance or not? Need or want?
We will cover how the Family Guide provides easy-to-digest and relatable financial education strategies and tips from parents and families of children with disabilities to parents and families of children with disabilities. The webinar will focus on the big ideas for introducing financial education, anecdotes on what worked (and what didn’t), and provide resources for families.
Date: Monday, June 26th, 2023
Time: 2pm ET
ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!
Presentamos la guía de PATF para familias: grandes ideas para enseñar educación financiera
Acompáñenos en un seminario web el lunes 26 de junio de 2023 a las 2:00 p.m. donde presentaremos la nueva Guía de PATF para Familias. Nunca es fácil hablar de dinero; y presentar conceptos de dinero a nuestros hijos puede ser difícil. ¿A qué edad se empieza? ¿Se les da mesada o no? ¿Necesidad o capricho?
Cubriremos cómo la guía para familias proporciona estrategias y consejos de educación financiera prácticos y fáciles de comprender de parte de padres y familias de niños con discapacidades para padres y familias de niños con discapacidades. El seminario web se centrará en las ideas importantes para introducir la educación financiera, ejemplos prácticos sobre lo que funciona (y lo que no funciona ) y brindará recursos para las familias.
Fecha: lunes 26 de junio de 2023
Hora: 2pm ET
Se ofrecerá interpretación al español y ASL (lenguaje de señas americano)
NEW: Same Page Podcast
Audio Listen
August 14, 2024
Upcoming Webinars and Events
RAISE hosts a number of engaging and informative webinars and events through out the year. We invite you to join us for professional development, virtual learning, networking and more.
Smart Home Technology: Leading to Independence Webinar- Jan 23
This webinar will introduce the power of Smart Home technology. Assistive technology does not need to be specialized or costly to be life-changing for students with disabilities and their families. In fact, generic, off-the-shelf, smart home devices can make it possible to live with greater independence, autonomy, safety, security, and joy!
Please join us for a “Smart Homes” webinar presented by Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) on Monday, January 23, 2023, at 2:00 pm. The webinar will walk through PATF’s new publication (English/Spanish) and corresponding Smart Homes website. It will provide you with the information you’ll need to help your community explore the most current smart home technology, create a framework to choose technology, and how to build a team to support this technology.
It will provide you with the information you’ll need to help students, families, and teachers learn about smart home devices, create a framework to match goals with devices, learn how to build a team to support this technology, and find additional resources. This guide is available to download.
New Date: Monday, Jan 23, 2023
Time: 2pm ET
ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!
Creating Content: How to Engage Youth and Families Webinar- Sept 19
During this fun and engaging session, Katy Albert will train you on the best practices of social media engagement and creating social media content that will captivate and activate youth and families. The session will include a Q&A with Erin Thomson, Youth Advocate for Change committee member and Communications Consultant.
The webinar has the following objectives:
1. Educate attendees on best practices for social media content.
2. Showcase how social media content can be created to engage with, educate, and activate followers.
3. Empower attendees to get the most out of their efforts on social media.
Presenters: Katy Albert, VP, Blender Inc. and Erin Thomson, Youth Advocate for Change committee member and Communications Consultant
Date: Monday, Sept 19, 2022
Time: 2pm ET
ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!