Is your parent center interesting in conducting a youth needs assessment? There’s a toolkit for that! Join this interactive webinar for an introduction to the RAISE Youth Needs Assessment Toolkit and learn how this new resource can support your efforts to more effectively engage with and understand youth needs and experiences. In addition to reviewing toolkit components, presenters Pamela Kelley, PhD and Linda Radecki will be available for participant Q & A.
Learning objectives:
Upon completing this webinar, participants will be able to:
1) Describe components of the RAISE Youth Needs Assessment Toolkit
2) Understand how to utilize the toolkit for youth needs assessment activities within their parent center
Date: Monday, May 16, 2022
Time: 2pm ET
Pamela Kelley, PhD of Kelley Analytics, LLC, based in Princeton, New Jersey, has over 20 years of experience as a professional program evaluator, specializing in programs that aim to improve services for young people with special needs and their families. In addition to her work with RAISE, Dr Kelley’s recent projects include an evaluation of a National Health Care Transition Resource Center for Youth/Young Adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities; regional adoption of an integrated epilepsy care and self-management model in 5 states; and, with co-evaluator, Linda Radecki, evaluation of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Regional Parent Technical Assistance Centers.
Linda Radecki, MS (RadeckiResearch LLC) is an independent evaluation and quality improvement consultant based in San Diego, CA. Her work focuses primarily on maternal, child, and family health. Along with Dr Kelley, Ms Radecki supports RAISE program evaluation.

ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!



Presentation Slides 

Captioned recording