Introducing PATF’s Family Guide: Big ideas for Teaching Financial Education – June 26

Please join us for a webinar on June 26, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. where we will introduce PATF’s new Family Guide. Money is never easy to talk about but introducing money concepts to our children can be intimidating. At what age do you start? Allowance or not? Need or want?

We will cover how the Family Guide provides easy-to-digest and relatable financial education strategies and tips from parents and families of children with disabilities to parents and families of children with disabilities. The webinar will focus on the big ideas for introducing financial education, anecdotes on what worked (and what didn’t), and provide resources for families.

Date: Monday, June 26th, 2023
Time: 2pm ET

ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!

Presentamos la guía de PATF para familias: grandes ideas para enseñar educación financiera

Acompáñenos en un seminario web el lunes 26 de junio de 2023 a las 2:00 p.m. donde presentaremos la nueva Guía de PATF para Familias. Nunca es fácil hablar de dinero; y presentar conceptos de dinero a nuestros hijos puede ser difícil. ¿A qué edad se empieza? ¿Se les da mesada o no? ¿Necesidad o capricho?

Cubriremos cómo la guía para familias proporciona estrategias y consejos de educación financiera prácticos y fáciles de comprender de parte de padres y familias de niños con discapacidades para padres y familias de niños con discapacidades. El seminario web se centrará en las ideas importantes para introducir la educación financiera, ejemplos prácticos sobre lo que funciona (y lo que no funciona ) y brindará recursos para las familias.

Fecha: lunes 26 de junio de 2023
Hora: 2pm ET

Se ofrecerá interpretación al español y ASL (lenguaje de señas americano)

The STANDARD: 9.6, June 2023

In this issue of RAISE The Standard, we will explore the challenges within our nation’s disability benefits system, unpack several of the benefits programs offered for people with disabilities, and share ways to maximize them for independence and self-direction.

9th Annual RAISE Summit- May 16th- Charlotte, NC- PAYCHECKS not PITY!

The National RAISE Center will be hosting its 9th Summit in Charlotte, NC. It will be a time for leadership development, networking and team building.

Location: Hilton Charlotte University Place, Charlotte, NC.
Date: Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 at 9am – 1pm ET

This summit will focus on developing and strengthening relationships with key partners to improve transition outcomes. The sessions will include:

– A Young Adult Showcase
– MPACT Presentation “Walking the Walk: Recommendations for Experience-Focused Transition Programming”
– RSA Parent Centers spotlight

Travel and hotel is at your own expense. We are only covering lunch at the summit.

Supporting Families to Focus on Student Self-Determination- April 24

Self-determination is the ability for an individual to make their own decisions and guide the path of their lives. Youth and young adults with disabilities often lack opportunities to develop and practice being self-determined. This session will provide family training and advocacy professionals with strategies and tools that assist parents and caregivers in building key self-determination skills in their youth. The Essential Elements of Self Determination will be highlighted and useful goal setting and supported decision making tools shared. Family involvement and student self-determination can coexist. By helping families see the value in self-determination we can support students to build confidence and take charge of their futures.

Sean Roy, Sean, Chief Innovation and Training Officer for TransCen Inc.

Dr. John McNaught, Principal Investigator for I’m Determined

Date: Monday, April 24th, 2023
Time: 2pm ET

ASL interpretation & Spanish interpretation will be offered!

The STANDARD: 9.5, April 2023

In this issue of RAISE The Standard, we take a deep dive into how and why to use summertime to advance transition skills.