Employment Resources
Work Incentive Seminar Events (WISE)
If you are interested in learning about the Ticket to Work program or Work Incentives, you can attend a free Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) online webinar.
It’s Employment
Self-paced, online training modules designed to help staff and related partners improve employment services and outcomes for individuals with intellectual disabilities who receive VR services.
WIOA, Career Pathways, and Pre-Employment Transition Services
This Career Pathways training provides a brief overview of career pathways and pre-employment transition services as outlined in WIOA.
Funding Assistive Technology Series — Work, Assistive Technology and State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
This tool from NDRN Outlines the Vocational Rehabilitation Agency’s obligation to fund AT to support employment preparation.
Vocational Rehabilitation Toolkit
RAISE’s guide for advocates working with students and families to facilitate the involvement of state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies.
Getting and Keeping a First Job
Competitive employment is the key of a successful transition to adult living for youth with disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation: Young Adults Guide
Explains how young adults with mental health conditions can take advantage of the VR services
Disability Disclosure
This blog discusses reasons why you may need to disclose your disability
Job Coaching Training Guide
This training resource provides school personnel with information on how to provide Community Based Employment Education to students.
Introducing Vocational Rehabilitation Services
This video teaches individuals how their local Vocational Rehabilitation Services counselor can help them be successful at school, at work, and in the community.
Employment Page from PACER
8 videos feature individuals’ stories in addition to professionals’ advice on topics including Employment Supports, VR Services, Disability Disclosure, etc.
Get the Job … Keep the Job!
This video provides an overview of the right and wrong ways to apply for a job, give an interview; and how to request reasonable accommodations
Essential Skills to Getting a Job: What Young People with Disabilities Need to Know
This in-depth survey of 461 business leaders finds that younger workers frequently lack “soft” skills, which include: professionalism or work ethic, oral and written communication, teamwork and collaboration skills, and critical thinking or problem-solving skills.
Workplace Accommodation Toolkit
Provides employers with tools needed to create a more disability-inclusive and compliant workplace.
#ApprenticeshipWorks Video Series
This video series features apprentices with and without disabilities (Recruits) and their apprenticeship sponsors (Sponsors) in high-growth industries like information technology, healthcare, and marine engineering. These apprentices and their sponsors show how #ApprenticeshipWorks for them and how it can work for other job seekers and businesses across the country.
Ticket to Work-Keeping Benefits
Helps Social Security beneficiaries go to work and become financially independent, while they keep their Medicare or Medicaid.
#Competitive Integrated #Employment
This 65-page tool kit, produced by the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition, breaks it down for schools, employers, parents, and students.
#JobAccommodation Network (JAN)
Learn more about accommodations based on your role.
Born for Business – #Disability #Entrepreneurship Toolkit
Find materials, advice and guides for jobseekers with disabilities ready to become self-employed, launch a new enterprise, or develop their entrepreneurial skills.
Words to know
is a tool that defines vocabulary used in transition. Important terms are defined and examples are given. Users can search for transition terminology either through the “find” command or the alphabetical table of contents.
Working While Disabled
This guide is to help people with disabilities find, get, and keep a job. This guide discusses remote working options as well as health and safety tips for on-site work.
Top Ten Ways to Change the Outcomes (Video)
This short 3-minute video produced by the Center for Transition Innovations in Virginia, offers ten quick tips on helping students reach their employment goals.
Transition Assessment Process
A guide for developing postsecondary goals and transition services.
#Pre-Employment Transition Services (Video)
Explains WIOA, Pre-ETS, eligibility, Pre-ETS and VR, enhance a student’s transition planning.
Resources for #Job Seekers & Employees
The Campaign for Disability Employment Resources for job seekers and employees with disabilities
SSA Ticket to Work
The Ticket to Work program provides Social Security disability beneficiaries who want to work with access to free employment support services via Ticket to Work service providers.
Employment Curriculum
There is growing momentum to promote competitive employment as the preferred outcome of secondary transition services, and to make sure that individuals with disabilities have access to employment opportunities after high school. To realize this vision, families will need support to help them embrace the benefits of their loved ones having a real job in the community.
Accommodation and Compliance: Low Cost, High Impact
US Department of Labor announces report finding nearly half of #accommodations for disabled workers have no cost