The STANDARD: 4.3, Apr/May 2018

Considering Careers in the Arts: Whether you are an aspiring artist or just an art lover, there is no limit to imagination and creativity. A career in the arts –visual arts, music, dance, theater, perfrmance – can be hard, but for those with the drive and ambition, it should not be overlooked as a transition outcome.

The STANDARD: 4.2, Mar 2018

In this issue of RAISE, we take a deeper look at self-direction as it relates to decision-making, and we explore the nuanced nature of supported decision-making (SDM).

The STANDARD: 4.1, Feb 2018

Soft Skills—What are They?: In this Valentine’s Day edition of The RAISE Standard e-news, we will look at the importance of these and other soft skills, and how to teach them so young people are ready to go to work.

The STANDARD: 3.6, Dec 2017

Harassment in School and the Workplace: With all the news about harassment and misconduct in the workplace, this issue delves into an open discussion about harassment – sexual and otherwise – in the workplace and in school, and how it affects people with disabilities.

The STANDARD: 3.5, Sep 2017

College: This month, as we head back to school, we focus on those who are college-bound, and those who hope to be.

The STANDARD: 3.4, Aug 2017

Relationships: This month, we focus on tools and resources you can share with schools, transition leaders and families to help them assist students in building skills needed to build positive lasting relationships, starting with a positive relationship with oneself.